Today I added Martin O'Malley to the list of males who talk out of their penis. I almost fell out of my chair when he actually said he could have beaten #45 in last year's presidential election. Mr. O'Malley was recently interviewed on MSNBC and actually had the audacity and temerity to say he could have won if he had been the candidate. I don't think it is a stretch to say that very few Americans even know who Martin O'Malley is. Some Democrats and a few political junkies might know him as a man who was once a governor of Maryland and one of three candidates that ran for the nomination on the Democratic ticket, but the average man or woman on the street would probably say, "who?" But he thinks he could have beaten #45. Martin O'Malley, you are now a member of my HALL OF SHAME . Not to worry you are in "good" company: Al Franken, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, David Axelrod, Phil Mudd and David Gregory. Question....