No one likes or wants to admit they were wrong, but confession is good for the soul or so they say.  This makes me angry, sad and feeling very foolish as well as duped.  I did not vet the Women's March as well as I should have before I participated.  Knowing what I know today, it was a sham that was perpetuated by Bernie Sanders' extreme supporters.

I was devastated when Hillary Clinton lost the election in November 2016 and sick that a narcissistic bully and predator had been elected as our president.  Seeing that a women's march was being organized, I jumped on  the bandwagon as a support mechanism to get me through the grieving process.   I enlisted my sister and we both embraced the march.  Having never been to a protest, it was exciting and exhilarating to be part of something so mind bogglingly big.
Please read my post of May, 29, 2017, "What is a Feminist?" which explains how, when and why I
began to see the writing on the wall regarding the Women's March.  It was at that point that I removed myself from their Facebook page.

Still on their email list, I received the notice of the Women's Convention around the middle of August which was going to be held in Detroit October 27-29, 2017 in Detroit.  The thought of being with like-minded women was intriguing, but I am always tied up at that time of year with family.  Every so often I received updates on the convention like the one stating that Maxine Waters was going to be one of the speakers.

Bombshell announcement from the Women's March came on Thursday, October 12, 2017.  Bernie Sanders was going to be the opening night speaker.  I was dumbfounded.  Opening night speaker is a male for a women's convention  and one who has never really embraced feminists and has a terrible history of sexist remarks and treatment who also wrote essays on rape and women in the 70's and has repeatedly spoken against identity politics.  He grudgingly gave a smidgen of support to Hillary Clinton so why would he be speaking to a group that began because of the outcome of the 2016 presidential election:  Hillary's loss and 45's winning.  What a slap in the face of HRC's supporters!

Suddenly, I was seeing all kinds of information relating to Bernie Sanders history as well as who the people were that were in charge of the Women's March.  I knew that a grandmother in Hawaii had initiated the idea, but professional organizers came on board when they saw the massive amount of support for the march.

Yes, I attended the march, but was not close enough to hear the speakers and if anything was handed out, I did not get anything.  I just learned this past week that Hillary Clinton was not one of the women who were honored at the march.  Are you kidding me?  There would never have been a march without Hillary Clinton.  Did you hear me?  THERE WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN A MARCH WITHOUT HILLARY CLINTON!   Below is part of the "official" Women's March agenda that lists the names of the women who were honored.  NO HILLARY CLINTON. 

Remember when Hillary declared at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China on September 8, 1995, "Human Rights are Women's Rights."  Guess what?  The Women's March tried to use this  quote without attributing it to Hillary Clinton until they were forced under pressure to back down.  I did not know this until the swell of the backlash from the announcement of Bernie Sanders as opening speaker.  Thanks to #MarchingOnward, a group that was organized immediately after the announcement of Sanders speaking at the convention and the many twitter replies I received, I have now been enlightened.

The enlightenment  continued when I found out who the co-chairs of the Women's March and convention  are.  Two of the co-chairs:  
  • Linda Sarsour -- one of the 23 Sanders at-large delegates from New York.  Surrogate for Sanders in the "Sanders Cult" known as BernieBros, BernieBots and BernieCrats.  Known for a crude and cruel comment regarding the anti-Islamist feminist, Ayann Hirisi Ali, she is "not a real woman"  and confessing that she wishes she could take away Ms Ali's vagina--this about a woman who suffered genital mutilation as a girl in Somalia.  *Note Ms Sarsour is a hijab-wearing Palestinian-American.  Her spoiled brat attitude as well as the other members of the "Sanders Cult"  during the primary and convention was described in an article about the convention by Politico.  
  • Tamika Malloy -- was sheltered by Fidel Castro in Cuba and posted after his death, "RIP Comandante!"  Your legacy lives on."  On November 20, she showed no respect for American police officers by posting "When you throw a brick in a pile of hogs, the one that hollers is the one you hit."  She is also a follower of Louis Farrakhan, notorious for his anti-Semitic comments.

The commonality of these two are that they are supporters of Bernie Sanders and they are extreme activists intent on overturning everything within the Democratic Party.  This group has an intense hatred of Hillary Clinton.  They refused to give her credit for all the work she has done for women's issues.

There is a constant ebb and flow on the list for the speakers at the convention, but one could argue that it is a "who's who" list of Sanders campaign, surrogates and supporters  and cohorts of his "Our Revolution."  The information I have used in this post comes from blogs, HuffPost, USA Today and Politico, but I urge you to do your own investigation.  The Women's March has a hidden agenda and there is quite a bit of smoke and mirrors.  Be wary, very wary.  Consider that one of the sponsors of the convention is Bernie Sanders' Our Revolution and Nina Turner, one of the speakers is the president of Our Revolution.

Bernie Sanders was never given a complete and thorough vetting by mainstream media.  He got a huge pass by almost all sources.  Below is a link and a guide to the vetting of Bernie from Huffington Post.  What he and his supporters want to do is pretty much what Steve Bannon and Breitbart want...revolution.

Knowing what I know now, I'm not sure I would have participated in the Women's March.  I think so, but...  The fact is the march would not have happened if Hillary had won the election.  No matter what the far left and the BernieBots say, it was more about Hillary's loss and Trump's win and what it meant for all women.

We are living in an era of "up is down and down is up."  It is scary and very frightening.





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