The Political Male Animal Update

Day after day, I see the hate on cable news, internet and Facebook.  Every time Hillary Clinton opens her mouth, she is criticized.  And boom, it gets worse with my own party's leaders making stupid sexist remarks.  Some would argue that they aren't sexist, they are just making what they believe are valid comments and people need to stop making everything about sexism and misogyny.  
  • How many female presidents have we had? (just making a point with sarcasm)
  • How many candidates for the presidency have had to contend with Russian interference?
  • What is the precedent for a female from a major political party running for president?
  • Are the comments regarding the 2016 presidential campaign similar to other campaigns i.e. Al Gore, John McCain, John Kerry, Mitt Romney, etc., etc.?
  •  Did all of these candidates who lost, publicly take responsibility for their losses and if they did not, did you rant and yell about them needing to personally take responsibility?
To some of those who have made me want to throw a shoe at the TV or computer, I have written a response:      

Dear Senator Franken:
As a former (?) comedian,  I am sure you thought it was amusing to say in a June 2, 2017 interview:  " I love Hillary.  I think she was very prepared to be president of the United States...but we do have to move on..."  This reminds me of the racist who says, "I am not a racist, but..."  Maybe you should have started your remarks with "I am not a sexist but..."

If I cannot get over the election.  How the hell do you think the candidate, Hillary Clinton can?  Please advise me if there is any precedent for a presidential election like the one Secretary Clinton had to endure?

I am sure we can all  agree that there is much work to do.  Especially in light of what the current administration is  doing to our country and the constitution.  But we also need to know how we got to this place and what we need to do so that this never happens again.  I am referring, of course, to the Russian interference in our election.  Is 45 really the legitimate president?  Was their collusion (currently referred to as conspiracy with a foreign government) with Russia?  These are valid concerns and Americans need answers.  If Hillary Clinton wants to stay on this topic, she can talk and talk and talk and talk and talk all she wants.  How dare anyone tell her to "move on." 

You Senator Franken, are still in the political arena.*  You are the one who needs to help find the answers and at the same time, take on all the other issues we are facing:  health care, income tax reform, voter restrictions, infrastructure, the loss of EPA protections, privatizing of our national parks, etc., etc.   Hillary Clinton "moving on" should be the least of your worries.

When I hear a man telling the first female candidate of a major party to "move on" from one of the most horrendous campaign losses,  I hear a man speaking from his penis.


Dear Joe Biden:

You are well known for often putting your foot in your mouth.  Some people have even found it endearing.  I personally never thought of you as one of the brightest politicians, but as a  Democrat, I thought you were essentially harmless.  But lately, you crossed the line with me.   Senator Franken thinks Hillary should move on, but you want to rehash the election with your bluster and pomposity. You endorsed Hillary before the election and spoke on her behalf at campaign rallies, but now that she lost, you want to add to the indignities that she has suffered by making disparaging remarks about her and her campaign.  Loyalty is certainly not your best suit.

"I never thought she was a great candidate,"
To add salt to the wound, he continued, "I thought I was a great candidate." (Los Angeles Time, May 19, 2017)

Time for a reality check, "Foot In The Mouth Biden."  45 was famous for giving his opponents nicknames.  Ted Cruz was Lying Ted; Jeb Bush was Low Energy Jeb; Hillary was Corrupt Hillary, etc.   You get the picture.  Wonder what he would have tagged you?

Remember how 17 people ran for the Republican nomination and 45 wiped up the floor with them.  No one stood a chance against him because he lies, yells and  intimidates and he had Russia on his side.  With your history of saying stupid things at the wrong time, you wouldn't have stood a chance.

I keep reminding my husband that just because you think something doesn't mean you should say it.  Personally I think you are delusional.   I'm not sure there are many people who could have been successful based on the kind of campaign 45 ran. When I hear a man say, "I never thought she was a great candidate,"  I hear a man who is speaking from his penis.

Please don't send me emails asking for donations to your PAC.   


Dear Bernie Sanders:

I don't think I will ever forget the optic of you at the Democratic National Convention last summer, slouched in your seat with a petulant and petty look on your face.  I'm surprised your friend, Susan Sarandon wasn't sitting next to you.  I hate to say this but I haven't seen a great deal of difference between the Bernie Dudebros and 45's moronic supporters. 

 "Senator Bernie Sanders has said it is “likely” he would have beaten Donald Trump in the 2016 election..." 
 Really? Ya think so, Commie Sanders or maybe it should be Comrade Sanders?  45 would have made mincemeat out of you and your socialistic agenda.  And don't forget you needed  to win the nomination and you couldn't even do that.  Bernie Dudebros, the primaries were not rigged (see how you sound like 45's supporters).  May I remind you that your campaign did a little hacking as well.

"Once the DNC became aware that the Sanders campaign had inappropriately and systematically accessed Clinton campaign data, and in doing so violated the agreement that all the presidential campaigns have signed with the DNC, as the agreement provides..."
Source:, Mon December 21, 2015

It was about that time that I received my one and only email to donate to the Sanders campaign.  I immediately sent an unsubscribe to the Sanders campaign.

Was the DNC partial to Hillary Clinton?  Of course, the majority probably were.  She has been a Democrat for well over 30 years?  How long have you, Comrade Sanders been a Democrat?  For about five minutes, long enough to agree to the DNC's rules regarding the Democrats primaries.  As soon as the presidential election was over, you went back to being an Independent.  Your tight-lipped endorsement of Hillary and half hearted campaigning for her did little to influence your Bernie Dudebros to support her.  You seem to be as delusional as Mr. Biden, but then you both share a common problem... The real question is, were the primaries rigged?  NO!  Beating that dead horse only makes Bernie supporters look like Trumpers! 

When I hear a sore loser who could not even garner enough votes to become the Democrat's candidate say that it is "likely" he would have beaten Donald Trump, I hear a man speaking from his penis.


To David Axelrod, Phil Mudd, David Gregory and all the other CNN male pundits: 

Just a little advice.  Look up the word grace and try to act with it.   Your extreme rantings to Hillary 
Clinton to take personal responsibility for her loss were disingenuous  and proves only that you also are speaking from your penis.  

If you don't think sexism and misogyny played a role in Hillary Clinton's loss, think again.  Even in her own party, she had to deal with it.  It was bad enough that both female and male pundits were rubbing salt into the wound, but David Axelrod, chief strategist for Obama's presidential campaigns, shame on you.

Yes, Hillary Clinton was a flawed candidate just like every other candidate before her, Democrat or Republican.  I have never known a perfect person or candidate.  She has publicly admitted that she made mistakes.  What exactly do you want her to do?  Should she be publicly flogged; lie prostrate in front of you; wear a scarlet letter of shame; have her pilloried?  Will that make you happy and satisfied?

Okay, I feel a little better. Well, not really.   I still need to take women to task for their sexism and misogyny, but I will leave that to another day.

*Resigned his office after accusations of inappropriate sexual misconduct.  




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