Today I added Martin O'Malley to the list of males who talk out of their penis.   I almost fell out of my chair when he actually said he could have beaten #45 in last year's presidential election.  Mr. O'Malley was recently interviewed on  MSNBC and  actually had  the audacity and temerity to say he could have won if he had been the candidate.  I don't think it is a stretch to say that very few Americans even know who Martin O'Malley is.  Some Democrats and a few political junkies might know him as a man who was once a governor of Maryland and one of three candidates that ran for the nomination on the Democratic ticket, but the average man or woman on the street would probably say, "who?"  But he thinks he could have beaten #45.

Martin O'Malley, you are now a member of my HALL OF SHAME.  Not to worry you are in "good" company:  Al Franken, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, David Axelrod, Phil Mudd and David Gregory. 

Question.  How many women have said they could have beaten #45?  Can't think of any?  The reason might just be that our society/country is a patriarchy.  These men along with many, many others are  sexist and misogynistic.  Originally, this Hall of Shame had only male members.  See  earlier post, The Political Male Animal for background, June 6, 2017.

While Martin O'Malley is merely irritating, the persons who have steam coming out of my ears are Donna Brazile and Elizabeth Warren and can be labeled TRAITORS TO THEIR SEX!  Now, don't get all huffy on me and suggest that I am exercising my sexist ideology.  These women know all too well the difficulties women face in almost every aspect of life.  If either one of these women brought anything credible and factual to the table other than their perceptions and generalizations, I would be much less condemning.  Donna Brazile has written a book that is already receiving severe criticism and she has had to walk back many of her assertions.  Notice I am not naming this piece of garbage because it does not deserve mention and should be boycotted.  

As for Elizabeth Warren, I have no idea why she would say that she agreed with Donna Brazile regarding the "rigging" of the DNC by  Hillary Clinton's campaign.  If she is "hitching her wagon" to Bernie Sanders' aging and falling star in order to help her political aspirations, I have some news for her.  Hillary Clinton supporters are very loyal with long memories.  Over 17,000 women signed a petition to replace Sanders as the opening night speaker at the Women's March Convention in October.  See my blog  post about the hijacking of the Women's March, October 19.  There are too many pro-Hillary pages on Facebook for me to mention, but there is one Pantsuit Nation that has millions of people that  joined in support of Hillary during the campaign and are still loyal to their champion, Hillary Clinton.  Due to the "outing" of Sanders' leaning supporters who became the organizers of the Women's March, a new group Onward Together  was formed in retaliation to the news of  Bernie Sanders speaking at the women's convention.  Onward Together is for loyal Hillary supporters.  I am a proud member of that group.  Perhaps, Senator Warren saw the light because now she is walking back her previous statements.  Too little, too late for me.
From CNN Politics: 

 "More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than any other losing presidential candidate in US history.
The Democrat outpaced President-elect Donald Trump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%), according to revised and certified final election results from all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Clinton's 2.1% margin ranks third among defeated candidates, according to statistics from US Elections Atlas. Andrew Jackson won by more than 10% in 1824 but was denied the presidency, which went to John Quincy Adams. In 1876, Samuel Tilden received 3% more votes than Rutherford B. Hayes, who eventually triumphed by one electoral vote."

I have sent emails to the DNC, Tom Perez and Elizabeth Warren.  Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat and should not be on any committees within the DNC.  The DNC did little to nothing for Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign.  It was her fundraising that saved the DNC.  Sanders gave nothing.  History was made with Secretary Clinton as the first female to be nominated as a candidate of a political party for the presidency.  She received almost three million more votes than the current resident of the White House.  She deserves RESPECT!  And yet she is still answering to a constant barrage of negativity and criticism.  Bernie Sanders lost by 3,708,294 votes in the UNRIGGED primaries.  Get over it!  If you are not a true Democrat, move on.  We have work to do.  We do not need our focus to be on poor losers.  Bernie Sanders was a "Johnny One Note," with nothing to show for his many years in the senate.  It is about identity politics.  People vote their values and not with their pocketbooks.  That is why #45 was elected...racism, sexism, misogyny, etc., etc., etc., got the leader of the Deplorables elected.

*Updated and revised 03/04/18



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