I'm F.I.N.E.

If you are familiar with Louise Penny's Chief Inspector Armand Gamache books, you will understand the title, "I'm F.I.N.E. If not, I will explain later. Today is Tuesday, February 2, 2021 It has been ten days since I deactivated my Facebook page. It came down to self-care. I have read 51 books since I started hunkering down in March due to the pandemic. I am half way through my 52nd book, The Long Call by Ann Cleves. I am not an artist, but I have a garage art gallery consisting of 20 paintings, pretty much all mediocre. Not sure what number of my life reinventions I am at this point. I use to be addicted to cable news. I am now clean and sober from hearing other people's opinions. I left CNN after the 2016 election and a year ago, I became more discerning about what I would watch on MSNBC (no Chuck Todd, Andrea Mitchell, Katy Tur, Kasie Hunt, Chris Hayes but a smidgen of Rachel Maddow). SNL stopped being funny when it hit too near ...