My Conversation With a Trumper



About ten days ago, my door bell rang.  I was going to ignore it since we have been hunkered down for the last seven months while living in a gated community.  We don't get visitors and we don't visit anyone.  But the door bell rang again very persistently so I knew it was my next door neighbor.  Reluctantly I went to the door, she had her mask on and I said just a minute so I could get my mask.

Instead of calling me, she chose to come to my house to advise us that they would be gone the following week.  Here are some highlights of our conversation:

Me:  I don't like wearing a mask, but I know it is necessary.

Neighbor:  I think it might be a hoax.

Me:  No, it's real.

Neighbor:  Biden is too old to be president.  He has dementia.

Me:  No he doesn't.  He had a stutter as a young boy and sometimes he has to pause...  Seriously, you think he has dementia when there is a person in the WH who cannot complete a sentence and speaks in circles.

Neighbor:  Well, Biden is a sexual predator.  He is always groping people and young children.

Me:  He is not a sexual predator.  He is a compassionate man who hugs people spontaneously.  The only woman who claimed sexual harassment was discredited and the photo of Biden touching a young child's shoulder was his granddaughter at his son's, her father's funeral that the Republican trolls put out.  There are over 30 accusations from women who claim Trump raped or molested them and you think Biden is a predator.  Are you kidding?

Neighbor:  And Harris is a Hoe!

Me:  Well, if Harris a Hoe, I'm a Hoe, all women are Hoes.*  Just because a woman is ambitious does not make them a whore.  Considering the reputation of the man who is the current president and his wife, that is ridiculous. Have you seen the nude photos of Melania?  The difference between Melania and Kamala Harris is night and day.

Neighbor:  And why is it that only Black Lives Matter.  I'm over that.

Me:  Speaking as a mother who lost a child, I believe Black Lives Matter.  My son died and his life did matter, but he didn't die as a result of the color of his skin.  If my son had died because of police brutality, I would be angry as hell.  People of color are not treated fairly and never have been.  African-Americans brought to this country as slaves...  

Would you want to be black?

Neighbor: No.

Me:  I rest my case.    

When I first met this neighbor back in 2006, she was a registered Democrat.  She loved Bill Clinton and wanted Hillary to win the primary in 2008 to become the Democratic candidate.  When Barack Obama won, she changed her affiliation to Independent.  I remember that she was very concerned that if Obama won, there would be rioting in the streets.  She wasn't talking about white people rioting which made me look at her and say, "why in the world would you think that black people would riot if Obama won?"  It made zero sense.  

And there I think is our answer to how people become Trumpers.  Their reality and common sense are somewhere out in an alternative universe.  How did we get so many people with so much overwhelming hate?  I think there are many answers to that question... 

Conclusions:  There is no way to get through to Trumpers.  I'm done!

This is my first post in a very long time.  I was devastated after the 2016 election and as time went on and Trump became worse and worse, I was beginning to feel like a heavy weight was on me.  I had zero, zilch, nada motivation.  Now is not the time to give up, we have to fight for our country.  

Please, please, please VOTE LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!  Because it does.  

Please register to vote, get an absentee ballot, find your voting precinct.  Plan how you are going to vote. Donate whatever you can to help Democrats win the Senate!


Until next time,

Summer Campbell

*When I told my sister about the "hoe" comment, she started singing the old Dr. Pepper jingle, "I'm a pepper, you're a pepper" with "I'm a hoe, you're a hoe.  Everyone's a hoe, hoe!  Granted I could have come back with something better, but it was the best I could do under the circumstances in response to my racist neighbor.  





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