The Twisted Trump Supporter's View On Immigration

The other day I read a Facebook  post that insisted that it was unfair and offensive to compare the Holocaust and Nazis with the separation of migrant children and their parents.  Below is a response to that post from a woman who also happens to be a middle school teacher.  The thought of her teaching makes me cringe. Like most Facebook posts, it verges on the edge of some facts, but most of it is opinion.  Below is the post that set my hair on fire.  I did a copy and paste for the sake of accuracy and not paraphrasing.  
"Our situation is not born of racial hatred. It is born of safety concerns, economic stress, and fear that instead of being a great country that receives and nurtures refugees, we are becoming a struggling country that has become a dumping ground.
They come here of their own volition, knowing that detention centers and jail are possibilities. Some are legitimately escaping catastrophic circumstances. Others are seeking economic gain and are willing to come illegally to do it. The process to assess individuals is slow and agonizing, but our government's responsibility is to its people first.

The habit of sensationalizing and villainizing Trump beyond the often bombastic fuel he provides on a regular basis is just a tactic to make us so emotional we forget to reason through a situation. Illegal immigration and those seeking asylum have reached record numbers.  Instead of hurling insults and engaging in hyperbole, we need to encourage bipartisan efforts to find solutions."
  • Did people vote for Trump because of economic hardship concerns?
 "Support for Donald J. Trump in the 2016 election was widely attributed to citizens who were “left behind” economically. These claims were based on the strong cross-sectional relationship between Trump support and lacking a college education. Using a representative panel from 2012 to 2016, I find that change in financial wellbeing had little impact on candidate preference. Instead, changing preferences were related to changes in the party’s positions on issues related to American global dominance and the rise of a majority–minority America: issues that threaten white Americans’ sense of dominant group status. Results highlight the importance of looking beyond theories emphasizing changes in issue salience to better understand the meaning of election outcomes when public preferences and candidates’ positions are changing."   Taken from the report -- Status threat, not economic hardship, explains the 2016 presidential vote.  Diana C. Mutz -- Department of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania and Annenberg School for Communication, Philadelphia, Pa., April 23, 2018.For the full report:

  • Are Trump's supporters racists?
From the same study mentioned above.  University of Pennsylvania political scientist Diana Mutz reports a key group of voters—those who switched parties to vote for Trump—were motivated by the vision of a frightening fall in social status. In short, they feared they were in the process of losing their previously privileged positions.

For more info:  April 24, 2018 -- Research Finds That Racism, Sexism, and Status Fears Drove Trump Voters
  • Concerned about safety?  From refugees, drug dealers, Isis, human trafficking?  What exactly does that mean and what does it have to do with children being separated from their parents?
"The deportation trend abated towards the latter part of the Obama administration, with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announcing efforts to “prioritize convicted criminals and threats to public safety, border security, and national security.” Although 2013 was a record-setting year with 435,498 deportations, 2015 saw the lowest numbers in a decade, according to ICE."  From

US Terrorist Attacks Fast Facts (since 9/11)
From CNN's website, March 1, 2018 --

*November 5, 2009 -- Fort Hood, Texas

July 16, 2015 -- Chattanooga, Tennessee

December 2, 2015 --  San Bernadino, CA

June 12, 2016 -- Orlando, FL

October 31, 2017 -- New York, NY

December 11, 2017 -- New York, NY  

How many of these terrorist attacks were homegrown here in the US?  

Trump painted a dark picture of immigrants, despite the facts.

"Ewing used another approach to look at national immigration trends. From 1990 to 2013, both legal and undocumented immigrants came pouring into the U.S. The percentage of the U.S. population that is foreign-born increased from 7.1% to 13.1%. Yet over that time, violent crime rates plummeted 48% across the country." In 2014, a team of university professors took a different approach." They examined crime habits of juveniles convicted of felonies in Arizona and Pennsylvania. Their study found that native-born juveniles were more likely to become repeat offenders than immigrant juveniles."

  • Fear that our country will become a dumping ground for refugees.  We don't have room. 

    America needs another wave of immigration. "This is in part just basic math: We need more young workers to fund the old age of the baby boomers. But there is more to it than that. Immigrants also provide a shot in the arm to American vitality itself. Always have, always will. Immigrants are now twice as likely to start a new business as native-born Americans. Rates of entrepreneurialism are declining among natives but rising among immigrants."  From:  In defense of immigrants: Here’s why America needs them now more than ever, May 17, 2016 by Richard V. Reeves The complete article/opinion can be found at 

  • "The process is slow and agonizing."  

    People were turned away at the official designated border crossing so slow and agonizing is really NO ENTRY/NO ACCESS now that Trump's (Sessions) new immigration policy is in effect.  

From The Atlantic, June 18, 2018:
“The [narcos] threatened to kill every last person in our house—even the dog,” says Wayner Berduo, a young Guatemalan asylum seeker at the U.S.-Mexican border, in a new documentary from The Atlantic. Berduo says he lost his left eye and the use of his right arm in a violent attack late last year. Like thousands of Central American families, the Berduos say they’re seeking legal protection in the U.S. because of gang violence at home.

But now, the Trump administration is taking steps to prevent them from finding safety in the U.S. On June 11, Attorney General Jeff Sessions ruled that the U.S. would no longer accept gang violence or domestic abuse as valid reasons for asylum. Meanwhile, citing lack of space, U.S. agents have started to turn back asylum seekers at ports of entry in recent weeks, leaving throngs of hopefuls at bridges all along the border. Critics say “slow-walking” asylum applicants is just one more measure meant to discourage Central Americans from entering the country. 

Repeatedly turned away by U.S. border guards, the Berduo family spent days sleeping on the ground next to the international bridge—trapped in a kind of purgatory that spans the Rio Grande."

  • They come here on their own volition knowing they could be put in jail or detention centers. 






Apparently,  you believe as does Trump that the  immigrants that are coming are murderers, rapists, drug lords, etc., you do concede that some are coming here "legitimately" 

That means they are seeking asylum per the Asylum protocols listed below:  Families are being separated following the Asylum protocols as set forth 8 U.S. Code § 1158 - Asylum "Any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien’s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title."

Perhaps, you and others should be finding out more about the Central American countries (Guatemala, Honduras, etc) they are fleeing from and the conditions there that would make them journey 2,000 miles to come to our borders.  

While you pivoted and diverted like a true Trumper, you did not address the question of a false equivalency between the separation of children from their undocumented, border crossing parents.  Perhaps, you should pick up some history books on Hitler such as "The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler" by William L. Shirer.  Fascism and Nazis did not happen over night.  It was a methodical step by step process so while we are not committing genocide, fascism is definitely on the rise.  Internment camps for immigrants and we still have not reunited the children with their parents?  Your president actually said there were good Nazis who participated in the Charlottesville, VA protest where a young woman was mowed down by a self-proclaimed white nationalist Nazi.  

If you have been paying attention, you can see that your president is enamored of dictators.  Turn off Fox News and get some perspective. 

  • "The habit of sensationalizing and  villainizing Trump. Instead of hurling insults and  engaging in hyperbole, we need to encourage bipartisan efforts to find solutions."

Dear lady, no one has to do any sensationalizing, etc. of Trump, he does such a disgusting and deplorable job of that all on his own.  We have a Liar in Chief.   Have you seen your leaders' tweets?  Not only is he the Liar in Chief, he is the Commander in Chief of Tweeting insults.  Please turn off Fox News so we can have a coherent discussion.    

But the biggest fault in your comment is the sin of omission.  Not once do you show any compassion or empathy toward the children.  You are a teacher, for God's sake, how can you not understand the emotional abuse and the psychological damage that is happening to these children.  Without the parents to oversee their own children, the situation is ripe for pedophiles and physical abuse.  Where is your humanity?

So I will end with this #HillaryWasRight...

About Everything!











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