Update:  July 5, 2020

Originally written on March 10, 2018.  Much has changed, but the administration has stayed the course in outrageous and deplorable behaviour.  Trump has become even more incoherent and his lies are now measured in the thousands.

He brought in William Barr as Attorney General who has proven to be just another lawyer for Trump; covering up his abuses; lying for him and destroying the rule of law and helping to turn our country into a dictatorship run by the right.

We now have even more unqualified people in places of power in the administration who are willing to along with Trump's agenda at all costs.

We are in the middle of pandemic (Covid-19)  that Trump and his cohorts have turned into a nightmare of outrageous stupidity.

This administration has become a symbol for white nationalism which has trickled down to the most uneducated in our country.  Many white women and men looking more and more deranged are  screaming obscenities at any person of color they come into contact with...  Protestors of all colors and nationalities are taking to the streets for Justice...No Justice, No Peace.  Change is coming!

The latest bombshell comes from our intelligence committees regarding bounties Russia paid to the Taliban for killing American troops.  Again Trump believes  the Russians, not our intelligence service.  What does Russia have on Trump that he is so willing to sell our country out to an adversary that is drinking champagne and laughing at the chaos in our country.  This is Treason!

(what do you have to lose?)   
We need to reclaim our country and regain our standing in the world.


Hillary Clinton was right.  The base of Trump's supporters are deplorable as well as most of his administration.  Oh, and don't forget his family.  They are the picture of  deplorable American white elitism.  The Republican hypocrisy of the 2016 campaign is mind blowing.  Remember this:
  • Hillary Clinton was criticized  for being an elitist; taking money for speeches from Goldman Sachs, etc and others; taking donations from corporations and  foreign countries for the Clinton Foundation suggesting there was quid pro quo.   After a year into the dumpster fire of a Trump administration, the hypocrisy is overwhelming.  Never in the history of the United States have we had such a Corrupt administration.  If the Trump supporters can take their head out of the sand and elsewhere they would realize they have been conned.  But many of them will never admit they were wrong because so many are probably no better than the man at the top of this deplorable heap.  Remember "lock her up."  It is more than time to change that chant to LOCK HIM UP or maybe LOCK UP THE FAMILY or maybe LOCK UP THE ADMINISTRATION! Take your pick, almost all of them have no ethics, no morals, no scruples and are leaning toward being traitors of our country.  
From Rantt Media:  

Trump's presidency is a swamp of hypocrisy

Trump campaign—'Clinton mishandled classified info!'

Trump admin—Accesses classified info without full security clearances

Candidate Trump—'Clinton is corrupt!'

President Trump—"Most corrupt admin in history"
  • Trump was going to "drain the swamp."  Instead he created swamp monsters intent on breaking and killing our democracy, institutions and safety nets.  Creating havoc while changing the tapestry and foundation of what our forefathers fought for in 1776.  Nepotism and favoritism may have been part of administrations in the past, but Trump has made it part and parcel of the nomination process.  No one needs to be experienced or accomplished to  head up a department.  Just be a large donor to Trump or the Republican party; kiss his ass and you too can be the head of  the Department of Education, Treasury, EPA, etc. or be related to him i.e. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.  Can you even imagine the outrage if Hillary Clinton had her daughter Chelsea  and son-in-law sitting in the White House without a security clearance?   
Names that will go down in history for their mindless  and reckless disregard for the good of our country and its citizens:


#1 DONALD TRUMP-- Completely unfit to hold the office of president, liar, swindler, morally and ethically corrupt and the biggest hypocrite of all the swamp monsters.  

Betsy DeVos  -- Department of Education Secretary with no resume to support appointment, intent on destroying public education; admitted during her confirmation hearing that her family had given $200 million in donations to Republicans.  Conclusion:  she bought her position  
Ryan Zinke -- Secretary of the Department of Interior;  Zinke's expenditures as Secretary of the Interior, which include expensive flights, have raised ethical questions and controversy, and are investigated by the interior department’s office of inspector general.  Spent $13,00 on doors.  Where is the outrage from fiscal conservatives.  He is leading the charge to reduce reduce the size of perhaps 27 national monuments:
"In December 2017, Trump signed executive proclamations that reduced Bears Ears National Monument by 85% and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument by almost 46%. These moves prompted several legal challenges. One day later, Zinke issued a report recommending that Trump also shrink two more national monuments—Gold Butte National Monument in Nevada and Cascade–Siskiyou National Monument in Oregon. Zinke also recommended changes to the management of six other national monuments.[71] These changes were welcomed by Republicans such as Congressman Rob Bishop, the chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, but condemned by Democrats and environmentalist groups such as the Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club."
Source:  Wikipedia

Scott Pruitt -- Administrator of the Environmental Proctection Agency; the list of the protections that he has rescinded is too many to list.  He sees that as regulations when they are in fact protections.  Businesses can pollute our water and air as long as they are making money, he cares not what the consumer/people will have to bear...  It is all about greed.  Flies first class on the public's dime.  Has sued the EPA multiple times and appears to be intent on destroying the agency.

Steve Mnuchin -- Investor; 17 years at Goldman Sachs (remember what Trump said about HRC's speeches to Goldman Sachs); used  government aircraft for personal usage; it was discovered that Mnuchin is registered to vote in both California and New York. 
From his confirmation hearing:  

"During his Senate confirmation hearing on January 19, 2017, Mnuchin was criticized by Democrats for OneWest's foreclose practises. Mnuchin said "Since I was first nominated to serve as Treasury secretary, I have been maligned as taking advantage of others' hardships in order to earn a buck. Nothing could be further from the truth". During the hearing, it was also noted that Mnuchin had failed to disclose $95 million of real estate that he owned and his role as director of Dune Capital International, an investment fund in a tax haven. Mnuchin described the omissions as mistakes made amid a mountain of bureaucracy."  Source:  Wikipedia

Ben Carson* -- Secretary of HUD with no resume to support his role; see possible changes to HUD mission statement below.  Ordered table and chairs for his office at a $31,000 cost to tax payers.  Cancelled the order after complaints were lodged.

John Kelly -- racist, liar Chief of Staff; examples of lying and subterfuge include Rob Porter, wife beater and statements regarding Rep. Frederica Wilson.

Kirstjen Nielsen--liar; supporter of merit-based immigration.  
From her confirmation hearing:
"On Tuesday, January 16, 2018 Secretary Nielsen testified before the United States Senate and enunciated a position in favor of merit-based immigration, as opposed to the current immigration system based on family relations. She was questioned about a previous meeting at the White House on the topic of immigration in which press reports and Senator Dick Durbin stated that the President had used the word shithole to describe African countries and other disparaging remarks about Haiti. Nielsen said "I did not hear that word used, no sir" although she said she heard "tough language" which was impassioned. During the same hearing, Senator Patrick Leahy asked Secretary Nielsen whether Norway was a predominantly white country. Kirstjen Nielsen appeared to hesitate before answering, “I actually do not know that, sir." She added, "But I imagine that is the case.”  Following the hearing, Nielsen expressed her disappointment in the amount of attention being paid to the White House meeting."  Source:  Wikipedia

Rex Tillerson -- Department of State Secretary with no resume to support his role; multiple dealings with Russia; has not initiated research or programs to combat Russian interference into our elections; was granted $120 million to fight Russian meddling, but spent $0. 

Steve Bannon -- Racist, misogynist, sexist who was once a counselor to the president

Jared Kushner -- ?  not sure what he is other than grifter, son-in-law of Trump; no qualfiications or diplomatic experience to support working in the White House; multiple conflicts of interest and ethics violations...

Ivanka Trump -- ?  grifter and daughter of Trump; no qualifications or resume to support working in the White House; multiple conflicts of interest and ethics violations...

Wilbur Ross  -- Department of Commerce Secretary; pushed for tariffs on steel and aluminum; "King" of Bankruptcy; failed to disclose Russian interests 

Jeff Sessions -- Attorney General  who can only be described as a lifelong racist 
And I have not forgotten Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn...

This is just a short list of the creatures in the black lagoon.

With all the noise and thunder about the Mueller investigation; the president and the porn star, there are many changes that don't get as much coverage.  For instance, this administration is intent on rolling back to a time of less inclusiveness or in the case of the USCIS, changing our identity.  Note the new mission statement from USCIS.  We are no longer a nation of immigrants.

New mission statement from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services:
"U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services administers the nation’s lawful immigration system, safeguarding its integrity and promise by efficiently and fairly adjudicating requests for immigration benefits while protecting Americans, securing the homeland, and honoring our values."

Previous mission statement:
"USCIS secures America’s promise as a nation of immigrants by providing accurate and useful information to our customers, granting immigration and citizenship benefits, promoting an awareness and understanding of citizenship, and ensuring the integrity of our immigration system."

*Here is the current mission statement, still on the HUD website:
HUD’s mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes; utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination, and transform the way HUD does business.
Here is the proposed mission statement in the memo:
HUD’s mission is to ensure Americans have access to fair, affordable housing and opportunities to achieve self-sufficiency, thereby strengthening our communities and nation.
The considerably shorter statement drops the terms sustainable, quality, quality of life, inclusive, and discrimination. It also abandons the phrasing related to strengthening the housing market and protecting consumers, and it instead emphasizes “self-sufficiency.”  *Source:

My frustration is that his supporters have absolutely no idea how destructive his policies; executive decisions; lies and attitudes of racism, misogyny, sexism, anti-immigrant, pro-guns (NRA); his lack of compassion and empathy; his incoherent outrageous tweets; his seemly anti-intellectual rants; his lack of vision; greed and power regardless of the environment; the list goes on and on, are having on our country.  We have lost our status in the world and they just turn a blind eye to it or at the very least are putting their head in the sand.  What in the name of heaven is wrong with Christian evangelicals?  No matter what this demonic president does, they keeping supporting him and excuse everything he does.  Clearly anyone that is a true Christian would be outraged at his behaviour.  


Mixing religion and politics is death to our democracy/republic.  It is possible to be a good American and a Christian, Jew, Atheist, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Agnostic, etc.  It will, however, mean that you accept the constitution as a patriotic American.  It will allow you to worship as you choose, but not to use your religion as a weapon against our country and it's citizens.

I am not sure that I will see recovery in my lifetime, but I rest my hopes for this country on students like the ones from Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School who are already finding and using their  voices for change to gun control and fighting the NRA as well as the women who have come out in droves to run for office. 





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