It isn't always easy to choose to be kind especially these days when the leader of our country can only be described as a bully.  He certainly does not lead by example when it comes to goodness.  He pulled in the evangelicals by simply saying he was Christian even though his actions were so far from being Christian, that he has made a mockery of the Christian right.  Civility seems to be a lost art.  It is still hard for me to believe that evangelical Christians chose Trump over Hillary Clinton.  I find it very sad, perplexing and extremely hypocritical, but since I have covered that territory in other posts on this blog, I will move on with my thoughts on kindness.   

Hillary Clinton quoted this from John Wesley many times during her 2016 campaign:
"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can."

I have to wonder if Jesus Christ were to come today, what would he have to say about Donald Trump and his Christian supporters? 

But even before Trump came into the picture I noticed the hypocrisy of Christianity in many people.  There will always be devils in the midst of angels...

After I moved to a Bible Belt area several years ago, I became dumbfounded by the ugliest most base people.  In some ways, it was like the clock had stopped in the 1950's.  I guess my first mistake was getting involved in a very toxic group  --  community theatre.  I always thought theatre was such an inclusive and open minded place.  Well, bless your heart and pass the black eyed peas, nope not in this town.

Social media has become one of the worst ways to show the ugly side of humans.  Recently I saw a post that tried really hard to degrade another person who was hurting and smarting, but she opted to go for the jugular in order to make herself feel better.  This came from a teacher who is well known for dishing it out but breaking down when she has to take it.  Take a cue and RISE! 

It is a mystery to me why people choose to become friends on Facebook, but never interact, comment, like, love or share a commonality with i.e humor, political, hobbies, travels, etc.  Are they really interested in the person or just stalking or peeking into their life  as a voyeur; or wanting to look popular by having a large number of "friends?"  Understandable to some degree, I guess,  if you are still in high school or networking, but really, really too silly and high school for adults to play that game.     

On the positive side of Facebook, I have met some very loving and supportive Facebook friends through mutual Facebook friends.  We have never met in person, but share much in common and I thoroughly enjoy our interactions and feel much gratitude for their friendship and kindness.

We hear so much about random acts of kindness which is lovely and should be praised.  But maybe we should try to be intentionally kind, not just act on impulse to a person in line at a coffee shop by paying for a strangers' latte.  By that I mean looking around at people, that  you see every day and showing kindness in small and subtle ways like complimenting them; supporting them with words of encouragement and support; understanding or attempting to understand their situation; praise them for a job well done; smile; being agreeable; showing interest in them; invite them to your church or club when they are new to the area.  No monetary expenditure and no harm to you...  

  • Kindness can be the simplest thing, like saying hello when a person comes into the room for a meeting.
  • Complimenting them on a job well done; new hair style, new outfit.
  • Offering help when it is so apparent that they are drowning in anxiety and stress.
  • Not adding to their stress with petty nonsense.
  • My Grandmother use to say:  "Pretty is as pretty does," and, of course, from the Bible, "Do unto others as you would do have them do unto you." 
 Recently, a photo of Joe Biden  with a homeless man outside of a movie theatre, went viral with the caption:  "Character is about what you do when no one is watching."  Absolutely agree, but we should also think about character and kindness for those we know, respect and love just because it is the decent thing to do.         

Mr. Biden showed random kindness to a homeless man, but was much less generous in his reaction to Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential loss.  From CNN on March 27, 2017: "Former Vice President Joe Biden believes he could have been elected president had he decided to run last year."  I doubt this seriously, but that isn't the point.  He knew how wounded Hillary Clinton was from the brutal campaign and loss, but he chose to sooth his ego with a hypothetical statement that only added salt to the wound of not only HRC, but her supporters.  It served no purpose and it speaks volumes about his character.  Happy that you were kind to this homeless man, but...    

There was interesting article by Rabbi Marc Gellman in the March 11, 2018 Raleigh News Observer:  "Striving to be good is the right thing to do."  He had been sent a question from  a theology student at Mercy High School in Middletown, CN:  

"Does God punish wrongdoings like people say?"  

Part of Rabbi Gelman's answer:

"IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER.  ...In the Proverbs: 11:17 we read, Kindness is its own reward, but cruelty is a self-inflicted wound.'   He goes on to say that ...doing the wrong thing, the evil thing, the cruel thing, diminishes our lives right here and right now, and doing the good thing enriches our lives right here and now."

I  wonder what God is thinking about Mr. Trump.  Is he/she  thinking  that Trump is a very diminished man who chooses evil and cruelty over goodness and kindness?

As a very imperfect person, I have to try on a daily basis to be kind...question my motives.. and try to forgive.  Not being an angel, I can say that forgiveness does not come easily to me and I have a big character flaw, I can carry a grudge through eternity.  So I write this knowing my faults, understanding them and hoping we all try just a little harder to be kinder and gentler and remember it really is okay to leave the toxic people behind.  



Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking.
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Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking.
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Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking.
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