A Blast From the Past -- 2016 New Year's Eve Post

December 31, 2016 The champagne has been uncorked...not celebrating the end of the year or the beginning of a new year. Celebrating that I lived another year and made it through the worst presidential campaign of my lifetime. I figure I may have two or three (on average) more presidential elections if the "creek don't rise and the Lord is willing"...(or something like that) And then again maybe we won't have any more elections... I have had some bad years -- 2004 was the worst when I lost my son and my sister, but aside from my grandson graduating from UNCG, this year really sucked!! Not feeling very optimistic about the New Year, but I do love champagne...guess it is time to put on my "big girl panties" and fight like a woman!! I do wish everyone all the best for a Happy New Year...may all your dreams come true. May your electricity not be hacked by the Russians. May you find affordable health insurance and jobs that put food on the table and a ...