The Twisted Trump Supporter's View On Immigration

The other day I read a Facebook post that insisted that it was unfair and offensive to compare the Holocaust and Nazis with the separation of migrant children and their parents. Below is a response to that post from a woman who also happens to be a middle school teacher. The thought of her teaching makes me cringe. Like most Facebook posts, it verges on the edge of some facts, but most of it is opinion. Below is the post that set my hair on fire. I did a copy and paste for the sake of accuracy and not paraphrasing. "Our situation is not born of racial hatred. It is born of safety concerns, economic stress, and fear that instead of being a great country that receives and nurtures refugees, we are becoming a struggling country that has become a dumping ground. They come here of their own volition, knowing that detention centers and jail are possibilities. Some are legitimately escaping catastrophic circumstances. Others are seek...