No one likes or wants to admit they were wrong, but confession is good for the soul or so they say. This makes me angry, sad and feeling very foolish as well as duped. I did not vet the Women's March as well as I should have before I participated. Knowing what I know today, it was a sham that was perpetuated by Bernie Sanders' extreme supporters. I was devastated when Hillary Clinton lost the election in November 2016 and sick that a narcissistic bully and predator had been elected as our president. Seeing that a women's march was being organized, I jumped on the bandwagon as a support mechanism to get me through the grieving process. I enlisted my sister and we both embraced the march. Having never been to a protest, it was exciting and exhilarating to be part of something so mind bogglingly big. Please read my post of May, 29, 2017, "What is a Feminist?" which explains how, when and why I began to see the writing on...