The Political Male Animal Update

Day after day, I see the hate on cable news, internet and Facebook. Every time Hillary Clinton opens her mouth, she is criticized. And boom, it gets worse with my own party's leaders making stupid sexist remarks. Some would argue that they aren't sexist, they are just making what they believe are valid comments and people need to stop making everything about sexism and misogyny. How many female presidents have we had? (just making a point with sarcasm) How many candidates for the presidency have had to contend with Russian interference? What is the precedent for a female from a major political party running for president? Are the comments regarding the 2016 presidential campaign similar to other campaigns i.e. Al Gore, John McCain, John Kerry, Mitt Romney, etc., etc.? Did all of these candidates who lost, publicly take responsibility for their losses and if they did not, did you rant and yell about them needing to personally take responsibilit...