Seeing and hearing all the negative posts about the Women's March on Washington, I feel compelled to put my two-cents into the discussion. I made the decision to go to the march almost immediately after I heard about it. I wasn't going to see or hear any celebrities. I was going to be on the right side of history; to show my solidarity with women and the issues that directly affect our life; I walked for the future of all women and for the memory of the women who came before me that fought for my right to vote; I walked in memory of my grandmother who was told that since she was not the breadwinner she would not receive equal pay for equal work (remember the scene with Mary Tyler Moore and Lou Grant when she questioned why she wasn't making the same amount of money that the men were getting -- well that is pretty much exactly what went down with my Gram and the owner of the company she worked for); I walked to protest the election of a man completely unqualified for t...