The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Syndrome of Community Theatre

THE GOOD, BAD AND UGLY OF COMMUNITY THEATRE This is my experience. Obviously, others may not have encountered the same types of people or situations that I did. After retiring to a small coastal area, I decided it was time to find a hobby. I had been active in community service for several years, but I also had a passion for theatre so... This is my story. I saw an audition notice in the local newspaper and feeling nervous and apprehensive, I gathered my courage and read for a part. I would have been thrilled with any part, but surprise, I landed one of the leads. It was a role for a much younger woman, but since few people showed up to audition... This theatre group was the B theatre that had been created when several disgruntled people from the A theatre group went rogue and started a new group. Warning, Will Robinson! This should have been my first clue I was entering into a group that was already charged with emotion an...